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The Farmers Feast & Whole Harvest Share

The Farmers Feast & Whole Harvest Share

from $280.00

All four of our meats. One step, one deposit - the very best price for all of our pastured meats. Abundance, interdependence, the promise of healthy soil. When you eat from a diverse ecosystem, you are supporting diverse ecosystems. We love building each of these because your full freezer reflects the whole of this place.

  • A deposit of $1400 secures The Farmers Feast. Our most popular shares to keep you stocked and nourished throughout the year with a Quarter Beef ~128lbs, a Half Hog ~94lbs, Half a Lamb ~32lbs, assorted Chicken Cuts ~22+lbs, and (18-19) of our whole Pastured Chickens. Total estimated cost is very close to $4120 for ~370lbs

  • A deposit of $800 secures a Whole Harvest Share. Our flagship mix will center good eating in your home with an Eighth Beef ~66lbs, a Quarter Hog ~42lbs, Half a Lamb ~32lbs, assorted Chicken Cuts ~22+lbs, and (9-10) of our whole Pastured Chickens. Total estimated cost is very close to $2580 for ~212lbs

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The balance for your Larder Box, Whole Harvest & Farmers Feast is due upon delivery. The Whole Harvest will be delivered all at once and you will need 8 cubic feet of freezer space. The Farmers Feast can be delivered at once, or split between a summer/fall and spring delivery to your location. You will need ~14 cubic feet for your Farmers Feast if taking all at once, or 8 cubic feet to start with for your first four boxes (split storage charge applies, split deliveries not available for our Ojai or Ketchum customers). You’ve invested in a large chest freezer and now it’s time to fill it!